

5 Things I Wholeheartedly Recommend!

I read Sleepless by Cyn Balog on vacation, and it’s awesome. I am totally impressed by authors who can handle dual narrators. I tend to prefer or one narrator over the other, but that totally wasn’t the case with Eron and Julia. The voices were fantastic and completely distinct. I was also hooked by the unique Sleepbringer premise. And Julia’s a girl with goals; even though she’s only a rising junior, she’s applied for an ambitious architecture internship, and she’s not dissuaded from her ambition by boys. I like that A LOT. Sleepless is out now. And isn’t the cover pretty? I love peonies.
I also read my ARC of Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. And then I immediately reread it, and now I’m sad that it’s over. You know how sometimes you love books and you want to lend them to your friends but you aren’t sure you can be parted from them? It’s like that. (Please tell me that’s not just me.) One of my favorite books of the year, top 3 for sure. It’s so charming. Etienne St. Clair is right up there with Joe Fontaine from The Sky is Everywhere as my favorite swoonworthy boy. It’s so full of tangible bittersweetness and yearning, and you finish and your heart just kind of overflows. I love that St. Clair doesn’t want to kill Anna or anything, no supernatural shenanigans, he’s just got a girlfriend, and that’s plenty of drama right there. It’s so real, only better–more romantic, like a classic movie. The characters are captured in these fantastic little details, flaws and all, and they’re not perfect, but they’re perfect for each other. You just want them to kiss already omg. I am a big fan of the kissing. So yes. This book comes out in December and you should buy it. You can’t have mine. I suspect it will make great Christmas presents! 
My friends made this computer game, Sanctuary17, which is spookylicious. You get to shoot robots! I tend to die a lot, but it’s really fun anyway. There’s even a pink-haired girl!
The brilliant playwright husband has a show going up this week as part of the Capital Fringe Festival. It is a very dark comedy called 7 Lessons on Suicide. Tickets are only $10. And CapFringe in general is fantastic–there’s a ton of great, collaborative theatre going on around town this week. I am seeing 7 plays between now and Sunday.
Also, I am a big Amanda Palmer fan, and her latest album, magical ukulele covers of Radiohead, is pretty fantastic.

ETA: I am crossposting at my new WordPress blog now, if that’s easier for my non-LJ peeps!

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