

I ♥ Thursday

JANE by April Lindner. I’m remiss in not mentioning this earlier, but I read this retelling of JANE EYRE a few weeks ago and loved it. It made me want to reread the original, which I remember not loving so much. In high school I preferred WUTHERING HEIGHTS; in my nineteenth century Brit Lit class I preferred Austen. But I’ll give it another chance. Sometime before the movie comes out. Mia Wasikowska is fantastic casting of Jane Eyre, I think. She looks just as I imagine her.

♥ Anticipation of the holiday season. I’m not quite ready for Christmas music just yet, but I am beginning to menu-plan for our annual holiday party, to compile a Christmas wishlist for my MIL who’s wanted one since September, to put together a Christmas card list. Last week I was feeling torn about whether to do cards this year. They seem increasingly formal and also a tad wasteful, but I love stationery and sending real mail. I’ve compromised by deciding on these adorable holiday postcards.They feel very me, a little more informal than cards, and I don’t have to bother with envelopes!

♥ Fall colors. Right now I’m wearing an orange sweater, merlot fingerless gloves, jeans, and brown boots. Love.

♥ Fall food. Pumpkin spice lattes. Endless cups of Earl Grey. Squash bread pudding. Vegetarian chili. We’re watching a football game with friends tonight (okay, I’ll be watching/writing because I’m a nerd and I’m bringing my laptop) and they’re making us butternut squash quesadillas. Yum!

♥ All of my friends who have been so sweet and enthusiastic about my new NaNo book. Thanks so much! All of the cheerleading really spurs me on and is so vital in keeping me excited at this stage. Between my fantastic critique partners, my awesome agent-sisters, the bril playwright husband, and all of my amazing real-life friends, I feel more and more like I have a whole community of writing support.

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