

Book 2 Title Reveal

Hi! Guess what? I have an official title for book 2 in the Cahill Witch Chronicles!

I came up with it myself and I love it and I hope you will like it too!


The second book in the Cahill Witch Chronicles will be titled…


and released

2/7/13   6/13/13!

What do you think???


70 Responses

  1. Pingback : Star Cursed, Born Wicked #2 Title and Release Date Revealed

  2. Taylor Renwick

    I totally LOVE the books, but why cant they be released sooner? I CANT WAIT 🙁 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Carol Pacheco

    This book was by far one of thee best i've ever read! I absolutely loved it 🙂 i wish part 2 would come out sooner this is torture :

  4. Whitnee Whitmore

    I heard from an author friend of mine that authors send out review copies of their books to get the buzz going… Can I have one ?? I honestly can't wait that long for Star Cursed!!!!!!

  5. Alyssa Reynolds

    Omg loved "Born Wicked"!! Took me not even 2 days to finish it bc it was so good I couldn't put it down!! Marking my calendar for the next one but wished it comes out soon but I know it's gonna be worth the wait!

  6. Laura Mason

    Born Wicked was an awesome book to start reading again with. I'm not used to reading books that leave you wanting MORE! I can probably guess what "Star Cursed" means. If I'm right, book #2 will be more in depth of the prophecy. Thank you for writing in such a way that my own imagination and daydreams have returned. Clearly a muse! *applause*

  7. Taylor Hawkes

    I LOVED born wicked!!! I borrowed it from a friend cuz I had nothing to read an didn't think id like it as much as I did!!! OMG!!! now I definatelu can't wait to finish the series!!!

  8. Ashleigh

    I can't wait I have not been able to put this book down after finally finishing it I am so upset to find I have a bit of a wait before me for book 2 🙁 but an amazing series like this you don't come across that often and I can't wait till its released and such a great tittle you have chosen !

    Sincerely , anxiously awaiting ashleigh

    *Note* Jessica you truly are a gifted writer and will follow this series until the very end

  9. Kendall

    ..Not to be pushy.. But can you make it any sooner? 😀 When it comes to a great book a am a little ..inpatient you can say. Thanks! Can't wait!

  10. annie

    I really loved "Born Wicked", I haven't been this intrueged in a series since Harry Potter came out! I loved the book!! I was wondering if your recent one 'Star Cursed' has been released yet? I know it was supposed to come our in February 7th (My birthday), but I haven't been able to locate it! I can't wait until I can!! Thank you so much for your amazing writting talent!

  11. Leanne

    I literally just finished reading born wicked it was a book I absolutely couldn't put down I got it this morning and have loved it from the very first page I hope you can get the second one out sooner I love the series so far and am left begging for more please type faster!!!!! Love love love the books!!!

  12. um...

    WHAT it took me 2 days to read the book, now i have to wait for like a year!!!! this is outrages!!!!!!! and omg i cant believe cate chose the sisterhood i NEED to know what happens next!!!!!!!

  13. Kimberly

    WHY SO LONG!! I read the first book in seven hours!! I just finished and I am loosing my marbles about the end!! I NEED to know what happens NEXT!!!

  14. Ivy Scottham

    What do I think? I think it’s absurd that I’m forced to wait until June 13th, 2013. But other than that, poor Finn. No, wait, poor Paul. If it weren’t for the Sisterhood, she’s have been pulling a Penelope by marrying Finn. I was surprised she forgot about that. 🙂

  15. Rene ortega

    Such a great book! I haven’t been able to put it down since I bought it! What a great find! Thank you for sharing with us

  16. Tina

    So excited to see you have book two coming out. But honestly sad because of how long I have to wait ;). Thanks for such a cool world.

  17. Maria

    I agree with everyone, Born Wicked is an amazing book. But WHY do we have to wait so long for the second one to come out!!!!!!!! it truly is torture, you left us with so much suspense!!!!!!!

  18. Kirilee

    I bought the first book because I thought it looked pretty cool! I finished it tonight and I was planing on buying the second one in a few days but then I found out it comes out in a year!! I just hope Miss Spotswood writes the book quicker because I’m so fond of the book!! I had never heard of this book before and I saw it at the shops so bought it! Please bring out the second book ASAP! Love your first book, and Star Cursed is a great name!!

    1. Thanks so much for reading, Kirilee! Penguin sets the schedule, not me, but I hope STAR CURSED will be worth the wait! I'm so glad you like the title – I came up with it myself! 🙂

  19. holly

    Omg! I loved, loved, loved this book. I don’t know how I’m goona make it a whole year until the next one!!!!!! Have you written anything else? I think your a brilliant author

    1. jessica_shea

      Thanks so much for reading, Holly! BW is my first novel, so there’s nothing else out yet – but I hope STAR CURSED will be worth the wait!

  20. Jess

    Born wicked was a great book, I love when I can jump into a book n it feels like I am there with the characters:) it kept me on my toes n I cld not put it down. I think the title for the next book is great!! Cant wait for it to come out;)

  21. April

    Take your time and dont listen to everyonr else! While I want you to finish fast too, I also want the second book to be just as good as the first one! GL and thank you for creating such a good fictional world for me to get lost in!7

  22. Tarotwitch

    My husband gave me Born Wicked as a Valentine's Day gift this year. I loved it! But oh god, the word cliffhanger is a HUGE understatement! It's only September of 2012 and I'm in AGONY!!! And so is everyone that has read born wicked. I think all us fans should start a petition to release Star Cursed earlier and send it to Jessica's publisher.

  23. Morgaine

    I just wanted to say that i LOVED Born Wicked. As I always say, great books leave you in tears, and Born Wicked had me bawling at the end. I'm sure that Star Cursed will be worth the wait, however, i feel that i may have trouble waiting. On a completely different note, is ONLY going to be three books? i hope for more!

    1. Hi, Morgaine! Thanks so much for reading! I'm so happy you felt invested enough to cry (and if you think THIS one ends on a tearjerker, just wait…mwahaha!). I'm pretty certain there will only be 3 books in this series, but I already have an idea for another series that I hope readers will enjoy!

  24. Morgaine

    Dear Jessica Spotswood,
    I'm using Born Wicked for my book project, and we have to make a kind of newspaper for the project, complete with exact time (ex. November 24, 2012). However, I'm not sure what time to do for Born Wicked and was wondering if you could help me? I know that it takes place somewhere in New England, and my guess is sometime in the 1800's, but I need an exact year.
    Thanks so much for your time and help,

    1. Hi Morgaine! Thanks for choosing BW to use for your project. It takes place in 1896 – I think the only mention of the year is when Cate's looking through the registry of trials, so I'm not surprised it was hard to find. The dates are from Sept 13-Oct 10.

      1. Morgaine

        I have one more question for my project, and that is this:
        I have to write a gossip column about a character's main fault. What would you say that Cates main fault would be?
        thanks a bunch,

        1. jessica_shea

          I’d say it’s that she’s bossy, and doesn’t listen or take other people’s feelings into account when she thinks she knows what’s best. But you might have a different take on it, and that would be ok!

  25. Paula

    Nooooooo I can't wait til June!!!!!!!! I was on the countdown for February!!! Love the name, June needs to hurry up and get here

  26. Karmen

    Oh my! I loved Born Wicked and I can’t wait until the second book in this series! It took me only five hours to read it I just couldn’t put it down!! Wish I didn’t have to wait so long but I’m sure it’ll be worth it 🙂

    1. jessica_shea

      Hi Desaraev – Unfortunately, Penguin isn’t releasing the second book on audio due to low sales on the first. I hope you’ll give it a chance in ebook or print!

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