

Thrice Interview: DEFIANCE

Hi! Today we’re celebrating the release of C.J. Redwine’s DEFIANCE.

I haven’t had a chance to read this one yet, but doesn’t it sound fantastic?

Within the walls of Baalboden, beneath the shadow of the city’s brutal leader, Rachel Adams has a secret. While other girls sew dresses, host dinner parties, and obey their male Protectors, Rachel knows how to survive in the wilderness and deftly wield a sword. When her father, Jared, fails to return from a courier mission and is declared dead, the Commander assigns Rachel a new Protector, her father’s apprentice, Logan—the same boy Rachel declared her love for two years ago, and the same boy who handed her heart right back to her. Left with nothing but fierce belief in her father’s survival, Rachel decides to escape and find him herself. But treason against the Commander carries a heavy price, and what awaits her in the Wasteland could destroy her.

At nineteen, Logan McEntire is many things. Orphan. Outcast. Inventor. As apprentice to the city’s top courier, Logan is focused on learning his trade so he can escape the tyranny of Baalboden. But his plan never included being responsible for his mentor’s impulsive daughter. Logan is determined to protect her, but when his escape plan goes wrong and Rachel pays the price, he realizes he has more at stake than disappointing Jared.

As Rachel and Logan battle their way through the Wasteland, stalked by a monster that can’t be killed and an army of assassins out for blood, they discover romance, heartbreak, and a truth that will incite a war decades in the making.

1. Describe your main character in 3 adjectives + a noun. 

My book is a dual POV, so I have to describe both of my main characters. 🙂

Rachel is an independent, impulsive, and courageous warrior.

Logan is an inventive, intelligent, and loyal protector.

2. Describe your book in 3 adjectives + a noun. 

DEFIANCE is a thrilling, gritty, heartbreaking adventure.

3. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives + a noun.

I am a creative, funny, loyal klutz. ;D

4. If you could travel to any 3 countries, what would they be?

China! (Again. Our daughter is from China.) Ireland. Sudan.

5. If you could take any 3 non-writing-related classes, what would they be?

Music Theory, European Folklore, and violin lessons (Jess says: I’d LOVE to take a folklore class! How fun.)

6. If you could have 3 alternate careers, what would they be?

Song writer, ninja, time traveler

7. What are 3 of your favorite flowers?

Cherry blossom, lotus, plum blossom

8. What are 3 of your favorite foods?

Lemon bars, shrimp, strawberry shortcake (Jess says: Om nom strawberry shortcake!)

9. What are 3 of your favorite books?

The entire HARRY POTTER  series, ROT AND RUIN by Jonathan Maberry, FRANKENSTEIN by Mary Shelley

Thanks so much for stopping by, C.J.! Hope you’re having a fantastic release day!

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