

One-Year Anniversary + UK Release!

Today, BORN WICKED comes out in the UK!

It’s also the one-year anniversary of its US publication. A year ago, I was bouncing with excitement and nerves as I went to visit my book on shelves for the first time. It was a dream come true. I am so grateful I get to share Cate and Finn and her sisters with you.

Thank you. To those of you who’ve emailed or tweeted or sent me a Facebook message to tell me how much you loved it. To those who’ve bought the book. To those who’ve borrowed it from your local library. To anyone who’s read it. To those who’ve faced it out in the bookstore, or talked about it to bookseller or librarian friends. To the booksellers and librarians  and teachers who’ve recommended it. To anyone who’s recommended it to a friend. To those who’ve shared it on Facebook or twitter. To those who’ve written a review on your blogs or Amazon or Goodreads or anywhere else. To anyone who’s brought it up when someone’s asked you, “What have you read lately?” 

A marketing friend of mine once told me people have to hear about something X number of times before they buy it. I don’t remember what X is, but you wonderful readers – you’ve all helped, every time you mention the title. That is how you help a new baby book survive and thrive and find its blinking way out into the world and into the hands of new readers. I am so grateful to you. THANK YOU.

As a token of my appreciation, I’m giving away one signed paperback copy of BORN WICKED! All you have to do to enter is fill out the Rafflecopter. Open internationally, through Feb 18, because that’s when I get back from tour.

I also thought it’d be fun to answer my own Thrice interview questions. Here goes:

1. Describe your main character in 3 adjectives + a noun.

Cate is a bossy, stubborn, brave sister.

2. Describe your book in 3 adjectives + a noun.

Witchy, romantic, historical fantasy

3. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives + a noun.

Optimistic, thoughtful, neurotic writer

4. If you could travel to any 3 countries, what would they be?

Ireland, Iceland, and Greece

5. If you could take any 3 non-writing-related classes, what would they be?

Calligraphy, vegetarian cooking, and American sign language

6. If you could have any 3 alternate careers, what would they be?

Event planner, librarian, dramaturg

7. What are your 3 favorite flowers?

Red roses, red Gerber daisies, peonies

8. What are your 3 favorite foods?

Salmon tacos, extra-sharp cheddar, and chewy sugar cookies

9. What are your 3 favorite books?

I’ll go with YA – CHIME by Franny Billingsley, FIRE by Kristin Cashore, and THE DISREPUTABLE HISTORY OF FRANKIE LANDAU-BANKS by E. Lockhart


a Rafflecopter giveaway

32 Responses

  1. Thank you for awesome giveaway!! 🙂

    I find new books by recommendations from bloggers. Goodreads is an awesome place! Talking to people is a good way too! Kierra had a great answer! 🙂

    Looking through bookstores is great!
    Every so many months I search my favorite authors on Goodreads and see whats new! 🙂

  2. enyce122

    I find out about new books through book contests like this one! Thanks for the great giveaway!
    rafflecopter Name: Sarah Kalaitzidis

  3. Christina B

    I mostly find new books by friends online and outside my house. Especially on Goodreads! There are amazing out there that I have yet to discover and friends and family are really the only one's who can introduce you. Thank you!

  4. Lea

    I love going into bookstores (new and used) and just browsing. Then there's the library, Goodreads/Blogger/Twitter/…., and my awesome friends recommend books all the time, too!

  5. lovingrob

    Yay! Cannot wait to read it. <3 Hih. I haven't read Born Wicked yet (A) But I have a copy, and I'm soon getting the pretty paperback as well, and have pre-ordered the second book 🙂 Can't wait for it. <3 Thank you for perfect giveaway 🙂 Since I live in Norway, and only read English books, I don't ever hear about books here I live. I always buy them online. (Don't go to libraries either) But yeah. I hear about a lot of books online 😀 Reviews, recs, etc. It is always the cover that catches me, though 🙂
    Love, Carina Olsen

  6. I mostly find new books on blogs (reviews or waiting on wednesday type of posts), sometimes via goodreads or on recommendation from friends.

    Thank you for the internation giveway!

  7. Nicola D

    I find new books anywhere and everywhere! Mostly through Goodreads recommended reads, browsing in shops and recommendations from other people 🙂

    Happy Book Anniversary! And congratulations on the UK release 😀

  8. Henrietta @ Leisure Reads

    Happy Book Anniversary 🙂

    I love going to bookstores! Subscribing to book review blogs also helps me discover new books.

    BTW, I want to learn American sign language too. And I'm going to look up your favorite books now.

    Have a gorgeous weekend!

  9. laura martin

    Amazon's recommended section is really useful, & goodreads helps meout.
    but I mainly use book blogs the reviews they give are perfect for helping me buy books

  10. Gabbie

    I find a lot of new books on Goodreads and book blogs. If someone marks it as to-read or I see a post/review highlighting a book, I'll usually go look for more reviews to see if its something I'll like.

  11. I find new books mainly through Goodreads but also through blog reviews, word-of-mouth & through giveaways. My main way of getting new books is going to the book store/library and choosing books at random by their cover and title then reading the blurb and/or first page – if I like it I'll make a note of it!

  12. Celine

    Happy One Year Anniversary to Born Wicked! I read it earlier last year and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! I usually find new books from particularly Goodreads, blog reviews and other social networking sites such as Twitter. I really adore the new Born Wicked cover and can't wait for Star Cursed! Thank you so much for the giveaway, Jessica! <3

  13. ZandaMarie

    Thanks for this giveaway! xx

    I find out about new books through various blogs, and Goodreads. I also follow a lot of authors on twitter/tumblr, and they share what they're reading or what their fellow author friends have written.

  14. neednewspace

    Happy Anniversary and Happy UK Book Birthday!
    I'm a tweet-a-holic, so, most of my book finds come from following book publishers and bloggers. I'm also a Goodreads junkie so I find a lot there as well.
    I really enjoy discussing books via Twitter because you get so many different perspectives.
    All the best to your continued success!
    I'm adding this to my TBR list!
    Cheers, Teresa

  15. Krystal M.

    Happy book anniversary! I usually find books by searching a book I've already read on Barnes and Noble, then just look up the recommended books until I find something I might like.

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