34 x 34 List
Hi! So last night on twitter I was talking with Dahlia Adler and Maggie Hall about my love of list-making. A few years ago, I made a list of 30 things to accomplish by my 30th birthday and did a little over 2/3 of the stuff on it. And since today is my birthday, I decided to come up with a new list of challenges for the next year. Some of them are writing (or reading)-related, some are about trying new things (not my forte), some are about doing things I’ve been meaning to do for ages that I think would be good for me/fun. All of them relate back to my touchstone word for the year, BALANCE.
- Finish writing / editing Cahill Witch Chronicles.
- Sell another series
- Write a whole new book!
- Be a speaker at a writing conference
- Organize <sekrit thing>
- Teach summer writing camp.
- Attend one big writing conference (RT 2014 in New Orleans?)
- Paint / redecorate our bedroom.
- Host a BBQ on our new back patio.
- Host a girls’ night.
- Host another write-in.
- Do a northern VA winery tour.
- Go to a Nats game.
- Learn ASL.
- Take a cooking class.
- Lose 30 more lbs
- Go to the beach (visit sister in FL this winter?)
- Go on embassy house tour
- Read at least 5 nonfiction books
- Read at least 5 MG books
- Try 10 new DC restaurant
- Try shooting a bow & arrow. (bonus: CoT research!)
- Get at least monthly massages to help shoulder
- Go to yoga 2x/week for at least one month
- Make bread from scratch
- Create a Happiness Jar (gratitude idea from Liz Gilbert.)
- Institute weekly date night with The Playwright. And be faithful to weekly date night with BFF. (Deadlines /= excuses.)
- Create a monthly budget & stick to it for 3 consecutive months.
- Make tomato – mozzarella – basil sandwich from tomatoes & basil we grow in back yard!
- Make valentines for VDay 2014.
- Write a list of 50 new awesome words and use them more often.
- Throw a literary-themed Halloween party.
- Learn to make Mom’s best-ever raspberry pie.
- Write 1 fangirl email to an author whose book I loved every month.
What about you? Have you ever made a list like this? What would be on it?
Happy birthday! Hope you have a fab day! : )
I’m a compulsive list-maker and I love making lists like this. I made one for this year (supposedly it was a business plan, but really it was just a list of things I wanted to do) and it’s a great way of getting organised. I love the idea of writing to authors whose books I’ve enjoyed – I keep meaning to do that, but never quite get around to it. I must add that to my list!
Thanks, Samara! As an author, I've got to say I absolutely treasure every email I get from readers and other authors about my books. It means so much! So I definitely want to try and return the good karma!
I love your list! So many fun things! It's giving me a few ideas I'm totally going to steal for mine. 🙂
Thanks, Maggie! Any chance you'll share yours online somewhere? I'd love to see what you come up with!
Let’s do the VA wine tour soon! We’re so close now!
I’d love that! Yes please!