

34 x 34 List

Hi! So last night on twitter I was talking with Dahlia Adler and Maggie Hall about my love of list-making. A few years ago, I made a list of 30 things to accomplish by my 30th birthday and did a little over 2/3 of the stuff on it. And since today is my birthday, I decided to come up with a new list of challenges for the next year. Some of them are writing (or reading)-related, some are about trying new things (not my forte), some are about doing things I’ve been meaning to do for ages that I think would be good for me/fun. All of them relate back to my touchstone word for the year, BALANCE.

  1. Finish writing / editing Cahill Witch Chronicles.
  2. Sell another series
  3. Write a whole new book!
  4. Be a speaker at a writing conference
  5. Organize <sekrit thing>
  6. Teach summer writing camp.
  7. Attend one big writing conference (RT 2014 in New Orleans?)
  8. Paint / redecorate our bedroom.
  9. Host a BBQ on our new back patio.
  10. Host a girls’ night.
  11. Host another write-in.
  12. Do a northern VA winery tour.
  13. Go to a Nats game.
  14. Learn ASL.
  15. Take a cooking class.
  16. Lose 30 more lbs
  17. Go to the beach (visit sister in FL this winter?)
  18. Go on embassy house tour
  19. Read at least 5 nonfiction books
  20. Read at least 5 MG books
  21. Try 10 new DC restaurant
  22. Try shooting a bow & arrow. (bonus: CoT research!)
  23. Get at least monthly massages to help shoulder
  24. Go to yoga 2x/week for at least one month
  25. Make bread from scratch
  26. Create a Happiness Jar (gratitude idea from Liz Gilbert.)
  27. Institute weekly date night with The Playwright. And be faithful to weekly date night with BFF. (Deadlines /= excuses.)
  28. Create a monthly budget & stick to it for 3 consecutive months.
  29. Make tomato – mozzarella – basil sandwich from tomatoes & basil we grow in back yard!
  30. Make valentines for VDay 2014.
  31. Write a list of 50 new awesome words and use them more often.
  32. Throw a literary-themed Halloween party.
  33. Learn to make Mom’s best-ever raspberry pie.
  34. Write 1 fangirl email to an author whose book I loved every month.

What about you? Have you ever made a list like this? What would be on it?

6 Responses

  1. Happy birthday! Hope you have a fab day! : )

    I’m a compulsive list-maker and I love making lists like this. I made one for this year (supposedly it was a business plan, but really it was just a list of things I wanted to do) and it’s a great way of getting organised. I love the idea of writing to authors whose books I’ve enjoyed – I keep meaning to do that, but never quite get around to it. I must add that to my list!

    1. Thanks, Samara! As an author, I've got to say I absolutely treasure every email I get from readers and other authors about my books. It means so much! So I definitely want to try and return the good karma!

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