


First: all contest winners have been notified!

Norwegian blogger Carina Olson won the preorder prizes: a Swedish edition of BORN WICKED and ARCs of BELLADONNA and BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA.

Katie of Doing Dewey won the blog tour contest prizes: a star trio necklace and a one-of-a-kind annotated STAR CURSED ARC.

Second, I’ve been getting a few FAQ, so I thought I’d answer some of them here:

Q: How many books are in the Cahill Witch Chronicles?

A: Three! BORN WICKED, STAR CURSED, and Book 3 – which I’m editing right now!

Q: When will book 3 be out?

A: Sometime next June (2014)! I can’t wait for you all to read it!

Q: Does book 3 have a title?

A: I think so, but I’m not allowed to tell you yet. I’m hoping to see a cover soon!

Q: When does STAR CURSED come out in other countries?

A: I don’t know. Unfortunately, I don’t get much info on foreign editions. I don’t necessarily know that the books are out until finished copies show up on my doorstep or readers from that country tweet at me. Your best bet is probably to check the Amazon listing for your country.

Q: What countries are your books being published in?

A: So far, BORN WICKED is out in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Sweden, and France. It is also forthcoming in Brazil, Israel, Spain, Japan, and Indonesia. STAR CURSED is only out in the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand so far.

Q: Why isn’t STAR CURSED available in ebook yet in my country?

A: I don’t know, but I’m guessing it has something to do with permissions. It will (probably) be available when the physical book is for sale in your country.

Q:  Are you going to fix what happens at the end of STAR CURSED?

A: No spoilers! But I’m happy that you all feel so invested!

Q: Can I email you to flail about the ending? I have a lot of feelings.

A: Yes please. My email is cahillwitch at gmail dot com and I love hearing from readers!

Q: I love your books and want to support you! What can I do?

A: I don’t expect anything else from my readers. Buying my books (or borrowing them from a friend or the library) in the first place is awesome of you. But if you want to do more, and help ensure that there are more stories from me in the future, the most awesome thing you can do is spread the word about how much you like these books. Mention them on Facebook or Twitter. Review them on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and/or your blog. Chat with your favorite librarians, booksellers, and teachers about them. Lend the first book to friends, or give it as a gift – especially to people who might not normally read YA but whom you think would like these stories. You could even nominate it for an award – like the Best Fiction for Young Adults. It is really difficult for any book to stand out in this current, crowded market. Being good is not always enough. Every little bit helps!

Any other questions? Leave them in the comments, and I’ll answer anything that’s not spoilery!

As always – I know you are all busy people. Spending some of your time with my characters is a high compliment. I feel privileged to share my stories with you!

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