
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.


Would any kind souls out there be willing to give me feedback on my synopsis? I could use some objective eyes. My working title is Garolass, and it’s a YA fantasy complete at 84,000 words.

6 Things on a Faux-Saturday

This weekend has been so nice! And there’s still one day left!   1. I finished my revisions on Wednesday night! "Finished" is a loose term–I’m going to clarify a few minor spots that Steve and Rosaline suggested, and then later this week I’m going to print the whole thing out and read straight through. But I feel like it’s in really, really good shape! I’ve also been doing more extensive agent research and created a query spreadsheet to track submissions. If I can wrestle my synopsis away from suckage, I think I will be ready to query by the 15th!   2. I read Catching Fire Thursday & Friday. and found it unputdownable. Talk about amazing plotting & brilliant characterization! Even the minor characters stay with me for days afterwards (especially Cinna, the prep team, Johanna, and Mags). Katniss herself is such an interesting heroine and narrator–so clever in some ways, so clueless in others,...
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Question Friday: Back to School Edition

This post is brought to you by my unholy love of office supplies. I have a four-color pen and I’m not afraid to use it. Pencil OR pen?   College-ruled, wide-ruled, OR blank paper?   Blue OR black OR red ink? Or something else?   Post-its: standard yellow OR flourescent?   Office/school supply store: Target OR Staples OR elsewhere?   Bonus question: Did you have a Trapper Keeper? What was on it?

Who Do You Think You Are?

This is a snippet from Christine Kane’s LiveCreative newsletter. It seemed so exactly perfect for my mindset today that I wanted to share:You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. We can even laugh about it because it’s so common. I’m talking about the snarky voice in your head that mouths off whenever you think about being a little bolder, or a little decadent, or more self-nurturing. It’s the voice that says, “Who do you think you are?” I’m embarrassed to admit this, but mine shows up as a group of high school girls. Their eyes are lined with thick black pencil. They wear concert t-shirts. Their hair is burnt from too many home perms. One of them steps forward and says, with her hands on her hips, “Who do you think you are?” And then she turns to the others and says, “Who does she think she is?” Then they all take an aggressive...
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Magnificent Monday

Ooh. When I walked outside this morning, my face was covered in a wide glad grin. Unusual for a Monday morning.   But it feels like fall.   It was the first crisp red-apple morning, the first hint of autumnal cool.   I just spent my lunch hour reading outside, surrounded by the chirp of crickets and excited back-to-school voices. With a venti Green Ginger tea.   I got a notice that Catching Fire has shipped and will be here tomorrow! And the rest of my order (bought with my latest Rewards certificate) will be here this afternoon: Jumping Off Swings and an eight-piece decorating set with different icing tips. I’m probably going to scare the UPS man with my enthusiasm again.   I have the latest installment of Steve’s Medea adaptation to read this afternoon. And he’s reading my latest set of revised chapters.   I promised to report back for accountability,...
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