
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

Question Friday: Beloved Books

This was inspired by the 15 Books meme that’s been floating around Facebook.   American classic: The Great Gatsby OR To Kill a Mockingbird?   Bronte v. Bronte: Wuthering Heights OR Jane Eyre?   Childhood favorites: The Secret Garden OR Little Women OR Anne of Green Gables?   Austen: Pride & Prejudice OR Sense & Sensiblity OR say Northanger Abbey?   Fantasy series: The Chronicles of Narnia OR Harry Potter OR Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit?   Bonus: What are some of your other all-time favorites? 


I am downright deliciously happy, y’all.   As of 7:30 last night, we are officially homeowners! Our house is all ours! I am incredibly relieved to have this settled. No more paperwork. No more anxious-making phone calls. Steve is leaving for Sundance in four days, and I was literally praying that we would settle before he left. And we did. We celebrated last night in an exhausted, low-key way, with takeout from our new favorite deli and two episodes of "The Closer." Tonight I’m going to make us a herbed summer squash & potato torte and we shall celebrate with the Veuve. And possibly some board games, ’cause that’s how we roll.   Also, I just got my copy of Eyes Like Stars! This is the most-anticipated book of the summer for me. As a former dramaturg, I just adore the premise. And Lisa’s cupcake character profiles (how much do you want...
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Question Friday: BBQ Edition

Hamburgers, hot dogs, OR veggie burgers? Mustard OR ketchup OR mayo? Pasta salad OR potato salad? Veggie kabobs OR corn on the cob? Strawberry shortcake OR blueberry cobbler OR raspberry crumble OR something else? Bonus: What’s your 4th of July tradition? When I was a kid, we used to go to my grandparents’ cabin. We’d swim in the lake, swing on the hammock, and my uncles would set off some minor fireworks. We’d throw down cherry bombs and write our names with sparklers. Now that we live in D.C., we’ve been going to Liz’s for a relaxed BBQ with friends and wine, and then we walk down toward the Capitol for the big fireworks. Whatever you’re doing, hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend! 

Teh Crazy, Part II

Five weeks ago yesterday, we saw a house. We fell in love with the house. We put an offer on the house, and it was accepted, and we set a closing date of June 19. It all seemed very easy. It was only the fifth house we’d looked at, and we outbid the other potential buyer right away. We found an amazing advocate in our buyer’s agent, C. The house passed inspection with flying colors. We felt lucky that the biggest work we’d have to do was installing towel racks and toilet paper holders, since no one had lived there since the renovation. All was well. Then there was a problem with the loan because of Steve’s freelance status. It pushed the settlement date back a week, but everything seemed to be on track. We were supposed to close at 4 last Friday. There were a few paperwork issues. Minor,...
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Question Friday: Ice Cream Edition

Ice cream, sorbet, OR gelato? Ice cream sandwich OR Chipwich? Sugar cone, cake cone, OR waffle cone? Neapolitan smackdown: chocolate, vanilla, OR strawberry? Chocolate chip cookie dough, cookies & cream, OR peanut butter cup? Bonus: what’s your favorite Ben & Jerry’s flavor? What’s your all-time favorite flavor? YOU MUST CHOOSE.