
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

Fashion Friday

Ooh, I have sucked at blogging this week. I’ve been off brainstorming for another round of edits, due next Thurs. But guess what? I got my first advance check! It’s so exciting! I got a little teary when I deposited it this morning. I still can’t believe that I’m getting PAID to do something I love. It makes it all feel a little more real. Now, important question: besides responsible things like paying off my debt (God, I cannot wait to give Visa a big eff-you) and refinancing our house and setting up retirement accounts–which dress should I buy? This Flower Stand Dress from Anthropologie is my current favorite, but I am a tad worried about the length since I’m a shortie and they don’t have it in petite.                   I am also very fond of the Rosie Posie Strapless and the...
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Booklust: Summer/Fall Edition

  I feel like BEA has pushed everyone into a frenzy of booklust this week. I mean, I have an entire BOOKSHELF of books that I haven’t read yet, and I’m still greedy enough to ask Amazing Editor if maybe perhaps by chance she could snag me #1 on this list (and SHE DID because she’s awesome and now I’m stalking the postman in anticipation). Anyway, these are the top 10 summer/fall books I’m lusting after: LOLA AND THE BOY NEXT DOOR by Stephanie Perkins: releases Sept. 29 THE NAME OF THE STAR by Maureen Johnson: also Sept. 29 THE UNBECOMING OF MARA DYER by Michelle Hodkin: Sept. 27 GOLIATH by Scott Westerfeld: Sept. 20 THE REVENANT by Sonia Gensler: June 14! Soon! HOURGLASS by Myra McEntire: also June 14! DAUGHTER OF SMOKE & BONE by Laini Taylor: Sept. 27 ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD by Kendare Blake: Aug. 30 SHATTER...
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Diet Coke & Nerves

Hi! Sorry for the blog silence. Things were crazy-busy last week. I didn’t know much about how edits worked before I tackled mine, so I thought I’d share what my experience has been like so far. My publishing timeline: Feb 23: book deal! March 14: book deal announced, edit letter received March 15-April 1: chatted with Amazing Editor Ari, brainstormed, created new timeline April 1-May 15: work on first edits. Ta-DA! First deadline complete! Brief respite to catch up on Doctor Who. May 16 at noon to May 19 at 9 am: 2nd edits + line edits May 19 at 6 pm, after tweaks are made & ms is finished-for-now: SLEEEEEP From what I understand, this timeline is very fast and unusually intense. But I am grateful for all the enthusiasm Putnam is showing for BORN WICKED.  The reason we moved so quickly through edits is because there’s a sales...
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I ♥ Monday: Revision Cave Edition

♥ Snickers Ice Cream Bars. They were last week’s version of cupcakes, aka my “goal: achieved” reward. ♥ Earl Grey in giant mugs. Keep it coming, please. Also Diet Coke. Or Coke Zero. But not Diet Pepsi unless it’s from a soda fountain. I…don’t know why. ♥ Twitter. When I need encouragement, my twitter-friends cheer me on. Thank you! ♥ Naps. I heart naps so hard. I am generally an awesome sleeper–prone to sleeping on buses and cars and airplanes where normal people have difficulty, and sleeping so soundly at night that The Playwright generally has to wake me at least three times to greet the morning. This week, I did lots of afternoon napping before writing into the wee hours. From about 10pm until 2 or 3 in the morning, I seem to hit a sweet spot of adrenaline-fueled, focused writing. ♥ The Playwright. Who has read each chapter as it’s finished and helped...
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Notes from the Revision Cave

Reminder: Over at Help Write Now, I’m donating a critique of the first 50 pages of a ms, a query critique, plus the chance to have a character–a girl accused of witchery–named after you in BORN WICKED. Proceeds go to benefit storm relief. You can bid here before it closes tonight! I spent 10 hours yesterday revising. It’s difficult and deeply satisfying all at once. I know my book is getting better. But it is harder than I anticipated, doing such an intense edit. Typically 1000 new words a day is excellent progress for me, but with this deadline, I often need to knock out 3000. I can’t settle for revising one scene, I have to revise three. I’m learning a lot of discipline–which is good, since this is now my job and I hope to have many deadlines in the future. I’m learning how to trust my own intuition–though...
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