Confession: I have an unholy love of stationery. I have a whole drawer of envelopes, organized by size and color, in the hutch in our basement. Another drawer is filled with cards for all occasions. There’s a vendor at Eastern Market who sells cards, and I’m constitutionally unable to walk past without picking up one or two. There’s so cheap–only $1, usually–and so adorable! I could get stationery sets for every birthday and Christmas and be overjoyed every time. My grandmother was brilliant at sending cards and packages. When I was in college, she sent me Harry & David’s cheesecakes and boxes of cookies at my birthday–or for Halloween–or for exams. After college, she sent me random cards just to let me know she was thinking of me, with newspaper clippings of my high school friends’ engagement photos, or articles from the hometown paper she thought I’d find interesting. For years I had a... Read More