
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

Thankful Thursday

How convenient that it is Thursday. I am very thankful today! 1. For air conditioning. It has been unrelentingly hot in DC–the kind of sweltering, ninety-five-degrees-plus-humidity weather usually reserved for August. 2. For cherry popsicles. See above. 3. For antibiotics! I found out last week I have Lyme Disease. Fortunately we caught it really early, so aside from a little fatigue, I haven’t had any complications. 4. For DECEPTION by Lee Nichols, which I can’t.put.down. Love. 5. For my awesome critique partner   because I love writing emails back and forth about our books and characters and the querying/submissions process. 6. For the kindness of strangers–I hope. I am going to be at ALA Saturday-Monday and I’m so nervous! This is my first-ever conference. I have plans to meet a few authors. And my eleventh grade English teacher will be there; I’m really excited to see her again. But I’m shy. But friendly. So if you see a girl like this wandering around, say hi?  ...
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Question Friday: Summer Picnic Edition

Happy Friday! We are finally buying a grill tomorrow and throwing our first little BBQ on Sunday. For the menu, I’m thinking grilled fish, grilled veggies, and beer with homemade Chipwiches for dessert. (Chocolate cookies with strawberry ice cream.) I’m excited. Along those lines: Crab cakes or picking crabs? Pasta salad, potato salad, or macaroni salad? Swimming or hiking? Camping or cabin? Charcoal or gas grill? Favorite summer pie: peach, raspberry, cherry, strawberry, other?Bonus: how do you eat your corn on the cob? Do you go around or across? (Bonus points for making typewriter noises like my uncles used to.) Do you use butter or Old Bay or…?

Happy Girl is Happy

  We planted sunflower seeds about two months ago. Now the sunflowers are taller than me, and they’re so pretty!   I surpassed 50K on Thrice last night. I am really excited to write the next scene, which involves telling secrets in a graveyard in the dead of night.   Work was cancelled yesterday–the entire university was closed due to a water main break. It was like a snow day in June!   My sisters are going to the beach on Sunday for a week. S emailed me a list of YA books she wanted to read and asked if I had any of them and indeed I did. I’m shipping a box to her today, 14 books, including my ARC of LINGER. I love sharing books. Right now I’m reading INTO THE WILD NERD YONDER and it’s hilarious. Such a great voice.   Someday I want to write a straight contemporary novel. I have an idea for...
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Tik-tok, It Don’t Stop

At the moment, my week looks like this:   Mon: season preview for a local theatre Tues: dinner date with bestie Wed: potential Amanda Palmer ninja gig Thurs: Evelyn Evelyn show Fri: half day; making & delivering meals for ill friend Sat: art opening; serious gardening Sun: calling my dads; hosting a bbq?   All of these are things I’m excited about, or at least happy to do. But…if I’m working ’til 5, getting home at 6, and then going out again at 7? It doesn’t leave much time for writing.   If it was just this week, that’d be okay…but it’s not. There are a whole list of shows we want to see before they close. CapFringe is the last two weeks of July; we usually try to see 3-4 shows a week. There are summer bbqs and other invitations. And I feel horrible when I turn things down. Margaritas with friends, another...
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Book Pimping 2010, Part II

I haven’t done a reading roundup in ages. Here are the five most recent books I loved: FIRE by Kristin CashoreIn #yalitchat on Twitter last night, someone asked whether character or plot is most important. For me, it’s all about character. And Fire is amazing: strong, independent, brave, determined, lonely, frightened. As the last human monster in the kingdom, her unnatural beauty draws people and other monsters to her, putting her in constant danger. She continually sacrifices herself for others, and she’s always working to prove herself different from her cruel, hedonistic father. She’s admirable but still flawed: a work in progress. I love that. The romance here is subtle, slow, wonderful. I couldn’t put it down. I loved this ten times more than the companion novel, GRACELING. It’s definitely going in my top 5 of 2010. (I’m not a huge fan of the US covers, but how pretty is the...
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