Happy Snowmaggeddon! We have about two feet of snow here. The university where I work was closed on Friday and is closed tomorrow. DC is pretty much shut down–even the federal government is closed, and they’ve announced that the metro will only run underground service. Officials don’t expect to clear residential streets until Tuesday, and the weathermen are forecasting at least another 5" of snow Tuesday night into Wednesday. It’s crazy! But it’s really pretty. I don’t mind being snowbound. Friday we celebrated Snowmaggedon happy hour with some friends at our favorite wine bar, blessedly free of hipsters. Last night I stayed up until 3 writing and drinking tea. Tonight, while Steve watched the Superbowl (go Saints!), I ate spice cupcakes with buttercream frosting and wrote letters to my Women for Women sister. I’ve taken several naps with the cat, caught up on my Tivo, and spent entirely too much time... Read More