
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

Agent Notes

I HAZ NOTES!   I got my first notes from my agent yesterday.   They are wonderful and challenging.   I loved the way he phrased thing as a list of questions. A few overall notes, things to bring out throughout the text, but lots of specific thought-provoking questions about what Molly is thinking here or why she trusts this person when it maybe seems like she shouldn’t or whether she might show more alarm in this situation. He doesn’t want me to cut or rearrange, just enhance what’s there. Clarify character arcs. Give more information about Quinn, Lexi, Julien, and Claire. Let the reader really be there in the moment, inside Molly’s head.   I am so excited to tackle this! I let it all marinate today while Hermy (my netbook) was being fixed. But tomorrow–oh, tomorrow I am going to dive back in. And I’m taking Hermy with me on the Bolt...
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November Theatre

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a theatre post.   We had the great good luck to see Sir Ian McKellen perform a one-night-only, one-man show at Shakespeare Theatre two weeks ago. He was amazing. Warm and funny and spontaneous. He did some Shakespeare, some poems, some Marlowe. He read from Roget’s Thesaurus with stunning expressiveness. Recited a Beatles song and a storm warning chart. Really-truly, he could have read from the phone book and we would’ve all been appreciative. He also told stories about working with great theatre artists, but one of the most touching moments was when he talked about his work for gay rights, specifically how he advocated for a hate crimes line in the South African constitution.   We also enjoyed Full Circle, a Charles Mee play at Woolly Mammoth. I am not always a fan of experimental theatre. I am, I confess, sort of horribly literal. But...
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Question Friday: Hierarchy of Baked Goods

I went through a period recently where I was in love with cupcakes. It probably had to do with the fact that I was working on a new project tentatively called Cupcake Cupid, which I have since put on the backburner. Now I think my allegiances have shifted. Maybe it’s the upcoming Christmas season with its promise of cranberry bliss bars (so full of bliss!) and dozens of plump little sugar cookies. At any rate, for today’s challenge, please put the following alphabetically-listed baked goods in order of awesomeness.   Brownies Cake Cookies Cupcakes Fruit bars (raspberry, lemon, etc) Muffins Pies Scones   Like so: Cookies > Scones > Fruit bars > Brownies > Muffins > Cupcakes > Cakes > Pies   That’s right, pies are very last on my list. And the traditional Thanksgiving pumpkin pie is at the very very bottom.   What’s your hierarchy of baked goods look like?

Writing Update

I’m working on the sequel to Inheriting Garolass. I don’t know if it’s the smart thing to do. I’ve read advice from authors not to waste time working on a sequel for a book that hasn’t sold yet. I do have a few other projects on the backburner, things I’m excited to write about at some point, but the main flow of ideas is still for Molly and her friends and enemies. So that’s what I’m going with.   I’m still waiting for edits from my new agent, which has been a challenge in terms of patience. I’m so excited to hear in detail what he thinks of the book and where I can make it better and what his plan is. If I am this eager to hear from him—my heart rocketing into my throat whenever I get a new message in my inbox–I shudder to think how crazy-nervous I...
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6 Things on Saturday/Sunday

1. I had two peanut butter cups for breakfast. Happy Halloween!    2. I am catching up on the awesome Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine. I finished Feast of Fools this morning and am now on to Lord of Misrule. I love these characters, especially Claire and crazy Myrnin. The action and the unique worldbuilding (I love vampires who are both sympathetic and genuinely fearsome!) make these books quick reads. This is book 80 for the year, so I’m on track to meet my goal of reading 100 books in 2009.   3. We just put together about 40 bags of candy: Reese’s, Smarties, Snickers, M&Ms, and some kind of creepy gummy body parts.   4. I’ve never had trick or treaters before, really. Growing up, we lived in the middle of nowhere and would maybe get a handful of neighbors. Since college, I’ve lived in apartment complexes. (ETA: we got about 40 kids. Some...
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