Agent Notes
I HAZ NOTES! I got my first notes from my agent yesterday. They are wonderful and challenging. I loved the way he phrased thing as a list of questions. A few overall notes, things to bring out throughout the text, but lots of specific thought-provoking questions about what Molly is thinking here or why she trusts this person when it maybe seems like she shouldn’t or whether she might show more alarm in this situation. He doesn’t want me to cut or rearrange, just enhance what’s there. Clarify character arcs. Give more information about Quinn, Lexi, Julien, and Claire. Let the reader really be there in the moment, inside Molly’s head. I am so excited to tackle this! I let it all marinate today while Hermy (my netbook) was being fixed. But tomorrow–oh, tomorrow I am going to dive back in. And I’m taking Hermy with me on the Bolt... Read More