Thankful Thursday
It’s been a rough week in some ways (more on that in another post), but it’s been a lovely week as well, and I have lots to be thankful for, including: * My husband. Yesterday was our 3rd anniversary. He bought me Odd and the Frost Giants, chocolate tea, and a Halloween cupcake kit; he cleaned the kitchen; he let me take a nap; he woke me up about 5 times because he knows I need to be "eased back into the world." We went to see Regina Spektor in concert, too, which was amazing. More importantly, he’s that supportive and funny and bril every day, not just on special occasions. * I got my first full ms request from an agent! I’m trying to set itsy goals, i.e. not "get an offer" but "get some feedback". After 3 rejections without feedback, I was starting to wonder if my query... Read More