
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

Thankful Thursday

It’s been a rough week in some ways (more on that in another post), but it’s been a lovely week as well, and I have lots to be thankful for, including:   * My husband. Yesterday was our 3rd anniversary. He bought me Odd and the Frost Giants, chocolate tea, and a Halloween cupcake kit; he cleaned the kitchen; he let me take a nap; he woke me up about 5 times because he knows I need to be "eased back into the world." We went to see Regina Spektor in concert, too, which was amazing. More importantly, he’s that supportive and funny and bril every day, not just on special occasions.   * I got my first full ms request from an agent! I’m trying to set itsy goals, i.e. not "get an offer" but "get some feedback". After 3 rejections without feedback, I was starting to wonder if my query...
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Question Friday: Inspire Me

I’m writing new words! After spending so much time on revisions for Inheriting Garolass, it is exciting to be exploring new characters and a whole new world in my new book. Everything feels so inspiring and invigorating!   In that spirit, what are your:   current favorite TV shows?   current favorite musical artists?   5 next books you want to read?   Mine are:   As the World Turns, Gossip Girl, and The Mentalist (but I haven’t seen last night’s episode yet so don’t spoil me!). I also hear I should be watching Glee & the Vampire Diaries. I’m totally out of the loop on reality TV: I haven’t caught any of Top Chef, Project Runway, or ANTM this season.   Snow Patrol (I’m seeing them in concert tonight!), The Fray, Neutral Milk Hotel. Really, these 3 have been on repeat in my iTunes to the exclusion of everything else....
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YA Dystopia Recommendations?

So my best friend is a high school English teacher. She’s also getting her master’s, and she’s writing a paper this semester on heroines in YA dystopian lit, which she’s thinking about eventually expanding into her thesis. Does anyone have any recommendations for: a) books she should read? I’ve already lent her Hunger Games & Chasing Fire, the Uglies series, Skinned, The Adoration of Jenna Fox, and The Forest of Hands & Teeth. What else? Books that aren’t coming out until later this year or even 2010 are okay too. b) critical essays on YA dystopian lit, online or elsewhere? I’ve lent her Mind-Rain about the Uglies series. Thanks so much!

I Am Querying

I sent out my very first queries today.   I also received my first two rejections. It was very comforting, though, to go to the Blueboards and read about how some authors whose books I’ve loved have been quickly rejected by those same agents. If I don’t get any bites, I’ll know that I need to work on my materials more. But I honestly feel that the the ms is the best I can make it right now. I have spent two years on it, two years learning how to write again and then–more importantly–learning to revise and take criticism and run with it and revise more. I hope I’ll continue to learn and grow, that my best will get better. But right now…I have done my best. I have taken this great big scary leap into trying to get published. I know it’s a leap lots of people take, that it’s often a very long and discouraging process.  ...
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Pleasantly Caffeinated

I am organizational OVERLOAD. Or maybe that’s just the caramel latte. It’s my new favorite drink.   Our housewarming is on Saturday! I’m so excited! We’re expecting about thirty friends. I’m making Classic Brownies and Raspberry Crumb Bars and also Lemon Bars. Thank God for Smitten Kitchen, because I know that any recipe from that site will turn out scrumptious. I am also premixing Ginger Mojitos and Limoncello Spritzers. Tomorrow’s going to be busy, cleaning and baking and making our house shiny and welcoming.   Our friend Meg is coming down from NY for the weekend and I can’t wait to see her. We’re going to Sticky Rice tomorrow night to celebrate her arrival with sushi and tater tots. There may be porch drinking after. I love our porch to tiny pieces, especially now that it feels so very September. Last night I wrote outside for two hours while the light faded and a squirrel ran along the...
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