
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

Question Friday: Spa Edition

So I’m leaving this afternoon for a spa weekend in lovely little St. Michaels, MD. Our room has hardwood floors and a fireplace. Our inn has an indoor pool and sauna. I’m bringing cupcakes and wine and Shadowed Summer. On the agenda: massage and facial, scribbling in coffee shops, napping, swimming, popping into cute shops, walking around by the water, eating a good crabcake, and lots of time with my best friends. I am not taking my laptop. There will be no internets for 48 hours. Can I do it? I think I can. Anyway. February: evil OR just misunderstood? Real wood-burning fireplace OR easy gas fireplace? Pool OR ocean? Cosmopolitan OR Flirtini? (vodka, pineapple juice, champagne) The Graveyard Book OR Coraline? (Bringing both, but which should I read first?) Bonus: Massage OR facial? I know, this one is super-girly. Sorry, guys. Have a fab weekend, everyone!

Revision, Round Four

Just sent my Garolass book off to two more kind souls who have agreed to read it.   I spent the weekend incorporating some suggestions from my original critique group. This is the second time or third time they’ve all read it now, and it’s so interesting to see their reactions. Laura caught all my typos. Alissa gave me an artist’s perspective and great character notes. Liz, astute reader that she is, pointed out little inconsistencies. Chris focused on worldbuilding. Jenn did everything: attacked my bad habits (especially ellipses, which I will henceforth be supercautious about using); squeed at the love interest; corrected paragraph breaks; remarked on character arcs both good and inconsistent; told me when my transitions sucked.  I love my friends. But now the book is with people who have not known and loved me back for the last ten years. It’s a little scary, but it’s good.   I have a...
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I adore awards shows.   I love the glamour of it all. I liked how they put on an old-school show this year, complete with dreamy singing and dancing host. It makes me happy when the little indie film (Slumdog Millionaire) wins. I appreciate when there’s obvious emotion: Heath Ledger’s family sweetly accepting his award on behalf of Mathilda; pugnacious little Sean Penn admitting he makes it hard to like him; the screenwriter for Milk encouraging gay children to be themselves; Anne Hathaway tearing up at Shirley MacLaine’s tribute to her. I enjoyed how they brought out past winners to congratulate the nomineees.   And I love the fashion. This year I was a little bored with the plethora of silver and white dresses. What’s up with all these pale, skinny-mini actresses wearing white? They disappear into it, and it’s so boring! I loved Nicole Kidman when she had some curves and wild red hair. My favorite (favorite...
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Things of Interest (To Me) (At the Moment)

Just received a memo from the University President informing us that no one will be getting a raise this year. While I’m glad to have a job, I’m disappointed about that. It will be the first year ever that I haven’t gotten at least a 3% standard-of-living increase. But on the positive side of things:   My friend Liz, who is the font of wisdom on all DC cultural events, has alerted me to the new H Street Country Club. It opens in March and will involve two 9-hole mini-golf courses (one on the roof, one inside), a Mexican restaurant with tacos and beer, and skeeball. Could anything be more awesome ever? Steve and I have a longstanding mini-golf rivalry. I will pwn him! We will play until it is so!   Does anyone else’s heart go pitter-pat when they see pics like this of Joshua Jackson? I guess my inner 16 year old can’t...
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Question Friday: Cupcake Edition

  Vanilla with vanilla icing OR chocolate with chocolate icing?   Vanilla with chocolate icing OR chocolate with vanilla icing?   Cream cheese frosting OR peanut butter frosting?   Coconut: yay OR nay?   Sprinkles: yay OR nay?   BONUS: chocolate with mocha frosting, chocolate with mint, vanilla with raspberry, key lime with key lime, OR classic red velvet?   Flavor possibilities inspired by Georgetown Cupcake.