
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

Thankful Thursday

So, I’ve started a little ritual lately of keeping a gratitude journal. It’s a pretty recycled-paper notebook with flowers on the front, and I write in pink and orange felt-tip pens, and I do it even when I’m tired because I feel like it’s important. It helps me recognize all the awesome little moments scattered throughout my days. The tiny delights it’s easy to ignore. It is so easy to be negative, to mindlessly complain about the weather or the endless waiting of submissions or not having little elves that bake me warm ginger scones every morning for breakfast. This new ritual makes me a more positive person, and a more observant person, and I am all in favor of that.   Anyway, my list for today:   1. I woke up with an idea for a new book. It’s so very very fetal that I can’t talk about it yet but I’m glowy about it. It would...
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Our tax refund finally arrived! And that means…I finally get to remake our guest room into an office! I get to have an office! A dedicated writing space. A room of my very own. I mean, okay, Steve’s going to use it during the day. Still. I get to decorate it. I’m very excited. And in this spirit of happiness, I’m hosting a giveaway! You can have all of 5 of these fabulous books: That’s an ARC of the THE DUFF by Kody Keplinger, an ARC of PARANORMALCY by Kiersten White, an ARC of THE DARK DIVINE by Bree Despain (which you should totally read before the sequel comes out in December), a cloth edition of PROPHECY OF THE SISTERS by Michelle Zink, and an ARC of its sequel GUARDIAN OF THE GATE. Just comment on this post for a chance to win. If you’re a non-LJ user, make sure you leave your...
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5 Things I Wholeheartedly Recommend!

I read Sleepless by Cyn Balog on vacation, and it’s awesome. I am totally impressed by authors who can handle dual narrators. I tend to prefer or one narrator over the other, but that totally wasn’t the case with Eron and Julia. The voices were fantastic and completely distinct. I was also hooked by the unique Sleepbringer premise. And Julia’s a girl with goals; even though she’s only a rising junior, she’s applied for an ambitious architecture internship, and she’s not dissuaded from her ambition by boys. I like that A LOT. Sleepless is out now. And isn’t the cover pretty? I love peonies.   I also read my ARC of Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. And then I immediately reread it, and now I’m sad that it’s over. You know how sometimes you love books and you want to lend them to your friends but you aren’t sure you can be parted...
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Cozumel: A List

  Swimming in the clear, warm, gorgeous, blue-green ocean The sound of the waves Snorkeling at 3 coral reefs Guilt-free time to read & daydream Early-evening siestas Being called "bonita" instead of "ma’am" Frosty cool strawberry daiquiris The swings that formed seats on 2 sides of the tiki bar Fantastic people-watching Not having to wait for the check (all-inclusive!) A fantastically relaxing massage A gorgeous orangish-red pedicure Reasonable portions Pretty coral & silver jewelry The salty nighttime breeze off the water Aztec soup (peppers, tortillas, limes, sour cream, yum) Having my best friend on hand to discuss what we were reading Wearing pretty sundresses without thought to whether they’re too cleavage-y for work Fresh churros for dessert Fresh pineapple for breakfast Being almost internet-free (only checking email once a day)


I did it!   I finished writing my second book, Thrice-Blessed. It’s 75K and 276 pages and I am crazy in love with it.   I wrote the last twenty thousand words over the last ten days. I’ve never been so immersed in a story. I’ve never written so much so fast. But I’m leaving for Cozumel tomorrow morning and I wasn’t planning to bring my netbook, and I knew that if I left with just two or three chapters unfinished, it’d tug at me the whole time.   I’ve already discussed some of its issues with my brilliant playwright husband and my best friend/alpha reader. I just sent it off to my fabulous critique partner. And when I get back, I’m going to dive back in and make it better. I know it needs work.   But I’m really really pleased with it as a first draft. I love these characters and this story. Even when...
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